Specialty Care

Our caregivers are trained to support with specialized services for chronic, and often demanding, medical conditions such as Alzheimer disease and other dementias, Parkinson disease, and diabetes.
For your free, in-home consultation to learn about our service options and support, please Contact Us.


What is Specialty Care?


We provide personalized care plans that are completely customized and suited to the unique requirements of seniors in the comfort of their home. From flexible scheduling to personalized services, you may develop a plan that works best for you and your senior.


Alzheimer Disease Care.


Alzheimer Disease Care
We understand that Alzheimer Disease doesn’t just affect the person living with it; it can affect the entire family.

It is important to plan for the future. 

Adjusting to your senior's diagnosis and treatment may be challenging and time-consuming for both you and your senior. As a caregiver, it can be difficult at times to make sure your senior is cared for, and you are cared for as well. You may notice that your senior becomes forgetful and has difficulty with basic duties in the early stages. 
This is the right moment to start thinking about their long-term goals. The emotional energy required to care for someone with this disease will take a lot out of you, and coping may be easier with the help of a home care professional.




Dementia Care
Caring for a senior with dementia is no easy task. With around 50 million people worldwide suffering from dementia, you are not alone in providing care for your seniors. Our job is to help provide seniors and their families the dementia care and support needed, all while your senior lives safely at home.

Understanding behaviours associated with dementia and learning to navigate them and communicate with your senior will help you immensely.

How Dementia Care Can Help:

Our caregivers can help you provide the care necessary for a senior with advancing needs. We can provide customized care daily to make sure your senior is well cared for while living at home with memory loss. One of the ways our caregivers help the most is by establishing a daily routine. A routine can help to reduce anxiety while avoiding confusion.

Personalized plans for the future

    • Stimulating your senior’s mind by including memory exercises and fun activities in their routine.

    • Keeping up with household tasks like cleaning and cooking, running errands and setting appointments, and assisting with personal hygiene.

    • Monitoring your senior’s conditions to determine its progression and recommended future care.

    • Letting other family members and visitors know how to best interact with your senior.